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noble 发卷_nome卷发棒

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noble 发卷_nome卷发棒 _nome卷发棒

       大家好,今天我来为大家详细地介绍一下关于noble 发卷的问题。以下是我对这个问题的总结和归纳,希望能对大家有所帮助。


2.古诗文诵读 小学版 名言警句



5.大学英语精读第二册第三课Lesson from Jefferson

noble 发卷_nome卷发棒


































































古诗文诵读 小学版 名言警句

       At the time of the British women are hard to obtain a seat in wherever the status, sadly, they almost deprived women enjoy free and happy feelings symbol - love. Countless utilitarian marriage without spouse, women who divorces pair of freedom. But Jane is a dare, not against the existing order to relinquish the mercy of fate, rich new view of women. She and Mr Rochester love is neither of the men, women and men, not women, but the conquest of equality in the emotional communication based on communication, fit and spirit, is a kind of "soul" love for the soul. She said: "I don't need any stranger -- and I have no common language, and for the stranger, I need to fit in with the type is with me, I can get together with their emotional chord." the complete [21] love is equal and mutual exchange, this is the first criterion is Jane's spouse, but also her independent personality. Jane short stature, there is no feminine beauty, but a poor teacher, he won the love, rochester lies in her unique personality and spirit. Jane velvet glove character, transcendental and free from vulgarity temperament, abundant feeling and profound thought deeply attracted rochester, make him with Jane mentally. In Britain, Jane was the first novel by a beauty by beautiful women love men win. But Mr Rochester let Jane go with his love, family property, no relation, is he abandoned the noble prejudice and Jane equality of civilian style, he is trusted to Jane for money and secular ideas with Jane sympathetic disdain. Visible, Jane and the love between the rochester has surpassed the age, conentionalities, property, birth of worldly conception, is the heart and soul of the spirit, and the spirit. Soul and spirit of mutual echo, and attract the equality between men and women is true love.

       In a social status of love, so wide that should be Jane, she followed the out-and-out divine principles - self-esteem, self-respect, self-respect. She was no longer in love for the market is selected. Although she is clearly aware and Mr Rochester exists between the gap, but she didn't discouraged or degeneration, but the brave actively pursue love, because she thinks people in spirit and personality is equal in the hierarchical class society there is undoubtedly the dare to social prejudice.

       When she found Mr Rochester had a wife, even the wife is crazy woman, she also resolutely left alone, and do not want to do her mistress, rochester say to yourself: "I care about oneself, the more I alone, without friends, the more support, the more I respect myself." [22] is a kind of spirit of Jane's free spirit. She dares to suppress the sorriness free and true love. Especially in rochester, put forward the marriage law when Jane from her loved ones to arms, unwilling to lead the unfair of life. "Jane, calm down," he said, "don't struggle, like a wild bird..." Jane answered: "I am not is thought-provoking, and no bird can bind my net; I was a free man, have their own will, so now I have to leave you," [23] Jane a firm decision because her love and people's real value tightly together, so love sublimated higher realm. She's not evade reality, but to run for worldly conception, in defiance of the bold is higher levels of choice! In Jane, have freedom and moral liberty for women, too severe bound and absolute stagnation will make her pain. By the strong willpower, is in the spirit of "Jane himself firmly in control, so the soul is safe. Namely, hold their personality and spirit of the independent, not by a whirlwind of love. Volume table zheng Jane's words and actions of these broken before the woman passive role, broke through the Victorian women with traditional ethical and moral norms, taboo for her extraordinary performance of love. She started from the patriarchal society in the tender women are given, passive personality break out.
























































       1、Genius only means hard-working all one's life. (Mendeleyev Russian chemist)

       天才只意味着终身不懈地努力。(俄国化学家 门捷列耶夫)

       2、The man who has made up his mind to win will never say "impossible ". (Bonaparte Napoleon ,French emperor )

       凡是决心取得胜利的人是从来不说"不可能的"。( 法国皇帝 拿破仑. B.)

       3、There is no such thing as a great talent without great will - power. (Balzac)


       4、Cease to struggle and you cease to live.(Thomas Carlyle)


       5、A strong man will struggle with the storms of fate.(Thomas Addison)


       6、Living without an aim is like sailing without a compass.(John Ruskin)


       7、Live a noble and honest life. Reviving past times in your old age will help you to enjoy your life again.


       8、Accept what was and what is, and you’ll have more positive energy to pursue what will be.


       9、Behind every successful man there's a lot u unsuccessful years. (Bob Brown)


       10、Enrich your life today,. yesterday is history.tomorrow is mystery.


       11、The secret of success is constancy to purpose.


       12、Between two stools one falls to the ground.


       13、You have to believe in yourself. That's the secret of success. (Charles Chaplin)


       14、Success grows out of struggles to overcome difficulties.


       15、The dictionary is the only place where success comes before work.


       16、There are no shortcuts to any place worth going.


       17、You're uinique, nothing can replace you.


       18、Great works are performed not by strengh, but by perseverance.(Samuel Johnson, British writer and critic)

       完成伟大的事业不在于体力,而在于坚韧不拔的毅力。(英国作家和评论家 约翰逊. S.)

       19、Until you make peace with who you are, you’ll never be content with what you have.


       20、If you would go up high , then use your own legs ! Do not let yourselves carried aloft; do not seat yourselves on other people's backs and heads .(F.W .Nietzsche , German Philosopher)

       如果你想走到高处,就要使用自己的两条腿!不要让别人把你抬到高处;不要坐在别人的背上和头上。(德国哲学家 尼采. F. W.)

       21、Keep trying no matter how hard it seems. it will get easier.


       22、True mastery of any skill takes a lifetime.


       23、The first wealth is health .(Ralph Waldo Emerson , American thinker)

       健康是人生第一财富。(美国思想家 爱默生. R. W.)

       24、Where there is life, there is hope.


       25、What makes life dreary is the want of motive.(George Eliot)


       26、At twenty years of age , the will reigns; at thirty , the wit ; and at forty , the judgment .(Benjamin Franklin ,American president)

       二十岁时起支配作用的是意志,三十岁时是机智,四十岁时是判断。(美国总统 富兰克林 . B.)

       27、Shallow men believe in luck.Self-trust is the first secret of success.


       28、I have no secret of success but hard work.


       29、If you fail, don't forget to learn your lesson.


       30、I have nothing to offer but blood, boil, tears and sweat. (Winston Churchill, British politician)

       我能奉献的没有其它,只有热血、辛劳、眼泪与汗水。(英国政治家 丘吉尔.W.)

       31、Sweat is the lubricant of success.


       32、A contented mind is the greatest blessing a man can enjoy in this world.


       33、That man is the richest whose pleasure are the cheapest.





       1 《江南》 乐府民歌 江南可采莲,莲叶何田田。鱼戏莲叶间。鱼戏莲叶东,鱼戏莲叶西,鱼戏莲叶南,鱼戏莲叶北。

       2 《敕勒歌》 北朝民歌 敕勒川,阴山下。天似穹庐,笼盖四野。天苍苍,野茫茫,风吹草低见牛羊。

       3 《咏鹅》 骆宾王(唐) 鹅,鹅,鹅,曲项向天歌,白毛浮绿水,红掌拨清波。

       4 《风》 李峤(唐) 解落三秋叶,能开二月花。过江千尺浪,入竹万竿斜。

       5 《咏柳》 贺知章(唐) 碧玉妆成一树高,万条垂下绿丝绦。不知细叶谁裁出,二月春风似剪刀。

       6 《凉州词》 王之涣(唐) 黄河远上白云间,一片孤城万仞山,羌笛何须怨杨柳,春风不度玉门关。

       7 《登鹳雀楼》 王之涣(唐) 白日依山尽,黄河入海流。欲穷千里目,更上一层楼。

       8 《春晓》 孟浩然(唐) 春眠不觉晓,处处闻啼鸟。夜来风雨声,花落知多少。

       9 《凉州词》 王翰(唐) 葡萄美酒夜光杯,欲饮琵琶马上催。醉卧沙场君莫笑,古来征战几人回?

       10 《出塞》 王昌龄(唐) 秦时明月汉时关,万里长征人未还。但使龙城飞将在,不教胡马度阴山。

       11 《芙蓉楼送辛渐》 王昌龄(唐) 寒雨连江夜入吴,平明送客楚山孤。洛阳亲友如相问,一片冰心在玉壶。

       12 《鹿柴》 王维(唐) 空山不见人,但闻人语响,返景(yǐng)入深林,复照青苔上。

       13 《送元二使安西》 王维(唐) 渭城朝雨浥轻尘,客舍青青柳色新。劝君更尽一杯酒,西出阳关无故人。

       14 《九月九日忆山东兄弟》 王维(唐) 独在异乡为异客,每逢佳节倍思亲。遥知兄弟登高处,遍插茱萸少一人。

       15 《静夜思》 李白(唐) 床前明月光,疑是地上霜。举头望明月,低头思故乡。

       16 《古朗月行》(节选) 李白 小时不识月,呼作白玉盘。又疑瑶台镜,飞在青云端。仙人垂两足,桂树何团团。白兔捣药成,问言与谁餐。

       17 《望庐山瀑布》 李白 日照香炉生紫烟,遥看瀑布挂前川。飞流直下三千尺,疑是银河落九天。

       18 《赠汪伦》 李白 李白乘舟将欲行,忽闻岸上踏歌声。桃花潭水深千尺,不及汪伦送我情。

       19 《黄鹤楼送孟浩然之广陵》 李白 故人西辞黄鹤楼,烟花三月下扬州。孤帆远影碧空尽,唯见长江天际流。

       20 《早发白帝城》 李白 朝辞白帝彩云间,千里江陵一日还。两岸猿声啼不住,轻舟已过万重山。

       21 《望天门山》 李白 天门中断楚江开,碧水东流至此回。两岸青山相对出,孤帆一片日边来。

       22 《别董大》 高适(唐) 千里黄云白日曛,北风吹雁雪纷纷。莫愁前路无知己,天下谁人不识君。

       23 《绝句》(其三) 杜甫(唐) 两个黄鹂鸣翠柳,一行白鹭上青天。窗含西岭千秋雪,门泊东吴万里船。

       24 《春夜喜雨》 杜甫 好雨知时节,当春乃发生。随风潜入夜,润物细无声。野径云俱黑,江船火独明。晓看红湿处,花重锦官城。

       25 《绝句》(其一) 杜甫 迟日江山丽,春风花草香。泥融飞燕子,沙暖睡鸳鸯。

       26 《江畔独步寻花》 杜甫 黄师塔前江水东,春光懒困倚微风。桃花一簇开无主,可爱深红爱浅红。

       27 《枫桥夜泊》 张继(唐) 月落乌啼霜满天,江枫渔火对愁眠。姑苏城外寒山寺,夜半钟声到客船。

       28 《游子吟》 孟郊(唐) 慈母手中线,游子身上衣。临行密密缝,意恐迟迟归。谁言寸草心,报得三春晖。

       29 《江雪》 柳宗元(唐) 千山鸟飞绝,万径人踪灭。孤舟蓑笠翁,独钓寒江雪。

       30 《渔歌子》 张志和(唐) 西塞山前白鹭飞,桃花流水鳜(guì)鱼肥。青箬笠,绿蓑衣,斜风细雨不须归。

       31 《塞下曲》 卢纶(唐) 月黑雁飞高,单于夜遁逃。欲将轻骑(jì)逐,大雪满弓刀。

       32 《望洞庭》 刘禹锡(唐) 湖光秋月两相和,潭面无风镜未磨。遥望洞庭山水翠,白银盘里一青螺。

       33 《浪淘沙》(其一) 刘禹锡(唐) 九曲黄河万里沙,浪淘风簸自天涯。如今直上银河去,同到牵牛织女家。

       34 《赋得古原草送别》 白居易(唐) 离离原上草,一岁一枯荣。野火烧不尽,春风吹又生。远芳侵古道,晴翠接荒城。又送王孙去,萋萋满别情。

       35 《池上》 白居易(唐) 小娃撑小艇,偷采白莲回。不解藏踪迹,浮萍一道开。

       36 《忆江南》 白居易(唐) 江南好,风景旧曾谙。日出江花红胜火,春来江水绿如蓝。能不忆江南?

       37 《小儿垂钓》 胡令能(唐) 蓬头稚子学垂纶,侧坐莓苔草映身。路人借问遥招手,怕得鱼惊不应人。

       38 《悯农》(其一) 李绅(唐) 春种一粒粟,秋收万颗子。四海无闲田,农夫犹饿死!

       39 《悯农》(其二) 李绅(唐) 锄禾日当午,汗滴禾下土。谁知盘中餐,粒粒皆辛苦。

       40 《寻隐者不遇》 贾岛(唐) 松下问童子,言师采药去。只在此山中,云深不知处。

       41 《山行》 杜牧(唐) 远上寒山石径斜(xiá),白云生处有人家。停车坐爱枫林晚,霜叶红于二月花。

       42 《清明》 杜牧(唐) 清明时节雨纷纷,路上行人欲断魂。借问酒家何处有,牧童遥指杏花村。

       43 《江南春》 杜牧(唐) 千里莺啼绿映红,水村山郭酒旗风。南朝四百八十寺,多少楼台烟雨中。

       44 《乐游原》 李商隐(唐) 向晚意不适,驱车登古原。夕阳无限好,只是近黄昏。

       45 《蜂》 罗隐 不论平地与山尖,无限风光尽被占。采得百花成蜜后,为谁辛苦为谁甜。

       46 《江上渔者》 范仲淹(北宋) 江上往来人,但爱鲈鱼美。君看一叶舟,出没风波里。

       47 《元日》 王安石(北宋) 爆竹声中一岁除,春风送暖入屠苏。千门万户曈曈日,总把新桃换旧符。

       48 《泊船瓜洲》 王安石(北宋) 京口瓜洲一水间,钟山只隔数重山。春风又绿江南岸,明月何时照我还?

       49 《书湖阴先生壁》 王安石(北宋) 茅檐常扫净无苔,花木成畦手自栽。一水护田将绿绕,两山排闼(tà)送青来。

       50 《六月二十七日望湖楼醉书》 苏轼(北宋) 黑云翻墨未遮山,白雨跳珠乱入船。卷地风来忽吹散,望湖楼下水如天。

       51 《饮湖上初晴后雨》 苏轼 水光潋滟晴方好,山色空蒙雨亦奇。欲把西湖比西子,淡妆浓抹总相宜。

       52 惠崇《春江晓景》 苏轼 竹外桃花三两枝,春江水暖鸭先知。蒌蒿满地芦芽短,正是河豚欲上时。

       53 《题西林壁》 苏轼 横看成岭侧成峰,远近高低各不同。不识庐山真面目,只缘身在此山中。

       54 《夏日绝句》 李清照(宋) 生当作人杰,死亦为鬼雄。至今思项羽,不肯过江东。

       55 《示儿》 陆游(南宋) 死去元知万事空,但悲不见九州同。王师北定中原日,家祭无忘告乃翁。

       56 《秋夜将晓出篱门迎凉有感》 陆游(南宋) 三万里河东入海,五千仞岳上摩天。遗民泪尽胡尘里,南望王师又一年。

       57 《四时田园杂兴》(一) 范成大(南宋) 昼出耘田夜绩麻,村庄儿女各当家。童孙未解供耕织,也傍桑阴学种瓜。

       58 《四时田园杂兴》(二) 范成大(南宋) 梅子金黄杏子肥,麦花雪白菜花稀。日长(cháng)篱落无人过,唯有蜻蜓蛱蝶飞。

       59 《小池》 杨万里(南宋) 泉眼无声惜细流,树阴照水爱晴柔。小河才露(lù)尖尖角,早有蜻蜓立上头。

       60 《晓出净慈寺送林子方》 杨万里(南宋) 毕竟西湖六月中,风光不与四时同。接天莲叶无穷碧,映日荷花别样红。

       61 《春日》 朱熹(南宋) 胜日寻方泗水滨,无边光景一时新。等闲识得东风面,万紫千红总是春。

       62 《题临安邸》 林升(南宋) 山外青山楼外楼,西湖歌舞几时休。暖风熏得游人醉,直把杭州作汴州。

       63 《游园不值》 叶绍翁(南宋) 应怜屐齿印苍苔,小扣柴扉久不开。春色满园关不住,一支红杏出墙来。

       64 《乡村四月》 翁卷(juǎn)(南宋) 绿遍山原白满川,子规声里雨如烟。乡村四月闲人少,才了(liǎo)蚕桑又插田。

       65 《墨梅》 王冕(元) 我家洗砚池头树,朵朵花开淡墨痕。不要人夸颜色好,只留清气满乾坤。

       66 《石灰吟》 于谦(明) 千锤万击出深山,烈火焚烧若等闲。粉骨碎身全不怕,要留清白在人间。

       67 《竹石》 郑燮(清) 咬定青山不放松,立根原在破岩中。千磨万击还坚劲,任尔东西南北风。

       68 《所见》 袁枚(清) 牧童骑黄牛,歌声振林越。意欲捕鸣蝉,忽然闭口立。

       69 《村居》 高鼎(清) 草长莺飞二月天,拂堤杨柳醉春烟。儿童散学归来早,忙趁东风放纸鸢。

       70 《己亥杂诗》 龚自珍 九州生气恃(shì)风雷,万马齐喑(yīn)究可哀。我劝天公重抖擞,不拘一格降人才。










        mǐ bù yǒu chū,xiǎn kè yǒu zhōng

        〖解释〗靡:无;初:开始;鲜:少;克:能。事情都有个开头,但很少能到终了。多用以告诫人们为人做事要善始善终。《诗经》有言:“靡不有初,鲜克有终。” 意思是说做人、做事、做官没有人不肯善始,但很少有人善终。































       77.疾风知劲草,岁寒见后凋 。(范晔《后汉书》)

       83 好读书,不求甚解。每有会意,便欣然忘食。(东晋?陶渊明《五柳先生传》)






















       125.安得广厦千万间,大庇天下寒士俱欢颜,风雨不动安如山?呜呼!何时 眼前突兀见此屋,吾庐独破受冻死亦足。(唐?杜甫《茅屋为秋凤所破歌》)










































































































大学英语精读第二册第三课Lesson from Jefferson

       第一节 形容词比较级和最高级的形式



       构 成 法 原 级 比 较 级 最 高 级

       ① 一般单音节词末尾加?er 和 ?est strong stronger strongest

       ② 单音节词如果以?e结尾,只加?r 和?st strange stranger strangest

       ③ 闭音节单音节词如末尾只有 一个辅音字母,

       须先双写这个辅音字母,再加?er和?est sad


       hot sadder


       hotter saddest



       ④ 少数以?y,?er(或?ure),?ow,?ble结尾的双音节词,



       只加?r和?st) angry



       noble angrier



       nobler angrest




       ⑤ 其他双音节和多音节词都在前面加单词more和most different more

       different most


       1) The most high 〔A〕 mountain in 〔B〕 the world is Mount Everest, which is situated 〔C〕 in Nepal and is

       twenty?nine thousand one hundred and fourty one feet high 〔D〕 .

       2) This house is spaciouser 〔A〕 than that 〔B〕 white 〔C〕 one I bought in Rapid City, South Dakota 〔D〕 last year.

       3) Research in the social 〔A〕 sciences often proves difficulter 〔B〕 than similar 〔C〕 work in the physical 〔D〕 sciences.


       1. 三个或三个以上音节的形容词只能加more和most

       只能说 more beautiful而不能说beautifuller; 只能说the most beautiful而不能说beautifullest。

       但是,以形容前缀?un结尾的三音节形容词不适合上述情况,如unhappy,untidy,我们可以说:unhappier→unhappiest, untidier→untidiest

       2. 由?ING分词和?ED分词演变过来的形容词(包括不规则动词如know→known)只能加more或most来表示它们的比较级和最高级

       more(most) striking, more(most) interesting, more(most) wounded, more(most)worn等。

       4) The drawings 〔A〕 of the old masters 〔B〕 are among the treasuredest 〔C〕 works in museums 〔D〕 .

       3. 英语里有些形容词由于其词义而不可能有比较级形式

       absolute fatal main right universal

       chief final naked simulta- utter

       entire foremost perfect neous vital

       eternal inevitable possible sufficient whole 

       excellent infinite primary supreme wooden

       第二节 副词比较级和最高级的形式


       一般 副词

       hard→harder →hardest

       fast→faster →fastest

       late→later →latest

       early→earlier →earliest

       特殊 副词

       well →better →best

       much →more →most

       badly →worse →worst

       little →less →least 但是,开放类副词即以后缀?ly结尾的副词不能像形容词那样加?er或?est,如

       quickly →more quickly →most quickly quietly →more quietly →most quietly

       〔注〕: early中的?ly不是后缀,故可以把?y变?i再加?er和?est

       第三节 形容词与副词比较级和最高级的基本用法


       1. 原级比较由“as+形容词或副词(或再加名词或短语)+as ”构成“原级相同”比较句,表示两者比较;其否定式,即“程度不及”比较句型为“not so(as) +形容词或副词+as”,而且as…as结构前可用just, almost, nearly, quite等表示程度的词修饰

       1) Walking briskly for thirty minutes will burn as many calories as .

       〔A〕 to run for fifteen minutes

       〔B〕 running for fifteen minutes

       〔C〕 you run for fifteen minutes

       〔D〕 fifteen?minute walking

       2) The gorilla(大猩猩), while 〔A〕 not quite as curious than 〔B〕 the chimpanzee(黑猩猩), shows more persistence 〔C〕 and memory retention(记忆力) in solving 〔D〕 a problem.

       3) Alaska is twice 〔A〕 as larger 〔B〕 as 〔C〕 the next largest 〔D〕 state, Texas.

       2. “as (so)+名词+as+名词”进行名词比较,这时一般情况下有一个表示原级的比较词,但如果第一名词前出现了形容词修饰该词或出现副词修饰谓语,应当用so而不用as

       4) Thomas Jefferson’s achievements as an architect rival his contributions a politician.

       〔A〕 such

       〔B〕 more

       〔C〕 as

       〔D〕 than

       5) I should say Henry is not much a writer as a reporter. (88年考题)

       〔A〕 that

       〔B〕 so

       〔C〕 this

       〔D〕 as


       1. 比较级由“形容词(副词)比较级+than+…,”构成表示在两者中间一方比另一方“更加…”。连词than后可接句子,也可接名词、代词、名词短语、介词短语、动词、动词不定式、?ING结构和?ED结构,有时也可省去than。

       6) Natural mica(云母) of 〔A〕 a superior 〔B〕 quality is cheapest 〔C〕 to obtain than synthetic 〔D〕 mica.

       7) She is older than .

       〔A〕 any other girl in the group

       〔B〕 any girl in the group

       〔C〕 all girls in the group

       〔D〕 you and me as well as the group

       8) Josephine McCrackin joined 〔A〕 the “Santa Cruz Sentinel” in 1905 and, until her death fifteen years late 〔B〕 , remained 〔C〕 active in journalistic 〔D〕 work.

       2. 注意than前后两项相比较的人或事物要一致

       9) The purpose of the research had a more important meaning for them than .

       〔A〕 ours

       〔B〕 with us

       〔C〕 for ours it had

       〔D〕 it did for us

       10) Sound travels air.

       〔A〕 faster through water than through 〔B〕 faster than through water and

       〔C〕 through water faster and〔D〕 where it is faster through water than through

       11) Gerbrand von den Feckhout, one of Rembrand’s pupils, followed 〔A〕 the style of his teacher so implicitly that 〔B〕 his paintings 〔C〕 are sometimes confused with his master 〔D〕 .


       1. 最高级用于三者以上比较,形容词的结构形式是“定冠词+形容词最高级+名词+表示范围的短语或从句”(如all, of all, of the tree, in the world, that has ever taken place等)

       12) The more 〔A〕 fearsome of all the 〔B〕 animals in 〔C〕 the Western 〔D〕 Hemisphere is the grizzly bear.

       13) Of all economic 〔A〕 problems, inflation continues to be 〔B〕 a 〔C〕 most significant in its daily impact on 〔D〕 people and business.

       14) , the most familiar to general public is the criminal jurisdiction.

       〔A〕 All the activities

       〔B〕 The activities

       〔C〕 Of all the activities

       〔D〕 It is the activities

       2. 副词的最高级与形容词最高级的区别在于最高级前没有定冠词the

       第四节 形容词和副词的特殊表达法

       一、形容词与副词的同级比较: 由“as(so)…as”引出,其否定式为“not so…”或“not as…as”,考生还应注意下列含有“as”结构或短语的句子

       1. as such:表示上文所指明的事或人

       He is a child,and must be treated as such. 他是个孩子,必须被当作孩子对待。

       2. as much:表示“与…同量”

       Take as much as you like. 拿多少都行。

       I would gladly have paid twice as much for it. 就是价格再贵一倍,我也会愿意把它买下的。

       He as much as admitted the whole story. 他几乎全部承认了。

       3. as many:表示“与…一样多”

       I found six mistakes in as many lines. 我在六行中发现了六个错。

       二、表示“几倍于”的比较级:用twice (两倍),four times (四倍),ten times (十倍)加上as … as 结构

       This one is four times as big as that one. 这个是那个的四倍大。(这个比那个大三倍。) / Our campus is three times as large as yours. 我们的校园比你们的大两倍。 / He has books twice as many as she does. 他的书比她多一倍。

       1) The five?year deal obligates 〔A〕 the country to buy nine million tons 〔B〕 of grain a year 〔C〕 , three million more as 〔D〕 the old pact’s minimum.

       三、“the same +名词+as”表示同等比较

       2) The lens of a camera performs the lens of the eye.

       〔A〕 in the same function 〔B〕 the same function as

       〔C〕 the function is the same as 〔D〕 and has the same function

       3) The elimination of inflation would ensure that the amount of money used in repaying a loan would

       have as the amount of money borrowed.

       〔A〕 as the same value 〔B〕 the same value

       〔C〕 value as the same 〔D〕 the value is the same

       四、比较级前可用a little, a bit, slightly, a great deal, a lot,many, much等词语表示不定量,far, completely,still表示程度或更进一步

       4) There are now methods for studying color vision in infants than there once were.

       〔A〕 more sophisticated than

       〔B〕 much more sophisticated

       〔C〕 much sophisticated

       〔D〕 sophisticated

       5) The photographs of Mars taken by satellite are than those taken from the Earth.

       〔A〕 clearest

       〔B〕 the clearest

       〔C〕 much clearer

       〔D〕 more clearer

       6) Common porpoises(海豚) are usually not considered 〔A〕 migratory, although 〔B〕 some do move 〔C〕 to more warmer 〔D〕 waters in winter.


       1) close与closely

       close意思是"近"; closely 意思是"仔细地"

       He is sitting close to me.

       Watch him closely.

       2) late 与lately

       late意思是"晚"; lately 意思是"最近"

       You have come too late.

       What have you been doing lately?

       3) deep与deeply


       He pushed the stick deep into the mud.

       Even father was deeply moved by the film.

       4) high与highly


       The plane was flying high.

       I think highly of your opinion.

       5) wide与widely


       He opened the door wide.

       English is widely used in the world.

       6) free与freely

       free的意思是"免费";freely 的意思是"无限制地"

       You can eat free in my restaurant whenever you like.

       You may speak freely; say what you like. 一、介词to的常见用法


       a)动词+ to

       adjust to适应,

       attend to处理;照料,

       agree to赞同,

       amount to加起来达…,

       belong to属于,

       come to达到,

       drink to为…干杯,

       get to到达,

       happen to发生在某人身上,

       hold to紧握,

       lead to通向,

       listen to听,

       occur to想起,

       object to反对,

       point to指向,

       respond to回答,

       refer to参考;指的是…;涉及,

       reply to回答,

       see to负责,

       stick to坚持,

       turn to求助,

       write to给某人写信。


       announce to通知某人, describe to向某人描述, explain to向某人解释, express to对某人表达, mention to提及, nod to向某人点头, report to报告, say to告知, shout to对某人大叫, suggest to对某人提建议,speak to与某人交谈, talk to跟某人谈话, whisper to和某人低声耳语。

       c)动词+sth./sb.+ to +sth./sb.

       add to增加, compare to比作, carry to运送至, devote to致力于,introduce to介绍给, invite to邀请参加, join to连接到, leave to委托给,reduce to下降至, sentence to判处, take to带到。

       2. be +形容词/过去分词+ to

       be alive to觉察;晓得,

       be attentive to注意;留心,

       be awake to知晓,

       be blind to缺乏眼光,

       be close to紧挨着,

       be common to对某人来说很普通,

       be contrary to违反;反对,

       be devoted to致力,

       be deaf to不愿意听,

       be equal to有…的力量,

       be exposed to暴露;遭受,

       be fair to对…公平,

       be familiar to对某人来说熟悉,

       be grateful to对某人心存感激,

       be good to对…有好处,

       be harmful to对…有危害,

       be important to对…重要,

       be kind to友好对待,

       be known to周知于,

       be married to嫁给,

       be moved to转移到,

       be near to靠近,

       be necessary to对…有必要,

       be opposite to在对面,

       be opposed to反对,

       be pleasant to合某人之意,

       be proper to专属,

       be polite to礼貌待人,

       be rude to粗暴对待,

       be relative to与…有关,

       be strange to不习惯,

       be similar to类似,

       be suitable to适合,

       be true to忠实,

       be thankful to感激,

       be useful to对…有用,

       be used to习惯。


       to a degree在某种程度上, to date到现在为止,to one’s feet跳起来,to one’s mind照…看来, to one’s surprise使…吃惊,to one’s taste符合胃口, to oneself独自享用, to order定做,to the letter不折不扣地, to the point中肯地

       二、at的常见用法 at构成的词组比较多,要细心区分。

       1.动词+ at

       arrive at抵达,call at访问某地, catch at(it)当场抓住, come at攻击, fire at向…开火,glance at瞟一眼, glare at怒目而视, grieve at忧伤,knock at敲,laugh at嘲笑, look at看一眼, pull at拉扯, rejoice at对…高兴,smile at向某人微笑, shoot at朝…射击, stare at怒目而视,thrust at刺向, tear at撕, tremble at颤抖,wonder at吃惊,work at工作。

       2. be +形容词/过去分词+ at

       be angry at恼怒于, be alarmed at对…保持警觉,be astonished at对…吃惊, be bad at不擅长, be clever at对某事很灵巧,be delighted at高兴,be disgusted at厌恶, be disappointed at对…失望,be good at擅长, be impatient at对…不够耐心, be mad at狂热于,be pleased at对…感到高兴, be present at出席, be satisfied at满意,be surprised at吃惊, be shocked at对…非常震惊,be terrified at受到…的恐吓,be quick at对…很机敏。


       at a distance在一定距离,at a loss不知所措, at a time一次,at all一点也不,at any cost不惜一切代价,at best最好也只是,at first起初,at hand手头,at heart在内心里,at home在家;无拘束,at last最后,at least至少,at most最多,at once马上,at present目前。




       a)动词+ on要认真区分下面一些词组

       act on对…有作用, bring on促使;导致, call on拜访某人,count on依赖, carry on执行,depend on取决, feed on以…为生,figure on料想;推断, go on继续,have on穿着, insist on坚持,keep on继续, lean on依赖, live on以…为生, pull on迅速穿上,put on穿上, switch on接通(电源), take to喜欢;养成;轻易学会,turn on接通(电源), work on操作, wait on侍候。

       b)动词+sb.(sth.)+ on +sb.(sth.)

       base on以…为基础, congratulate on恭贺, fix on固定, have mercy on怜悯,have pity on怜惜, keep watch on监视, spend on把时间、精力花在某方面。


       be dependent on依赖, be hard on对某人苛刻,be impressed on对…印象深刻, be keen on渴望, be strict on对…严格。


       on board乘(车,飞机),on call听候召唤, on duty值班, on earth到底, on fire着火, on foot步行,on guard在岗,on hire雇用,on holiday度假



       a)动词+ in

       believe in信任, break in碎成,bring in引起;产生;带来, call in下令收回, fill in填充,get in收获, hand in上缴, involve in涉及, lie in在于, result in导致, share in共享,succeed in成功, take in卷起;订阅, turn in归还当局。

       b)动词+sb./time/money+ in

       help sb. in帮助某人做某事, spare time/money in匀出时间或钱做某事,spend time/money in花时间或钱做某事,waste time/money in浪费时间或钱做某事。

       2. be +形容词+ in

       be active in活跃于,be absorbed in专心致志, be busy in忙碌, be born in出生于,be concerned in牵涉, be clothed in穿着, be disappointed in对…失望,be diligent in勤于, be experienced in在…有经验, be employed in任职于,be engaged in忙碌, be expert in某方面的专家, be excellent in在…优秀,be interested in对…有兴趣, be lacking in缺乏, be rich in富有,be slow in迟缓, be successful in在某方面成功, be skilled in精于,be strict in严于, be weak in弱于。

       3. in +名词

       in advance提前,in all总共,in balance总而言之,in bed卧床,in body亲自,in brief简明扼要,in case万一, in charge主管,in danger有危险, in debt负债, in despair失望,in force大量地;有效,in full全部地, in flower开花,in general一般说来,in itself本身, in love恋爱, in order井然有序, in person亲自,in public公开地, in progress有进展, in practice从实践上看, in rags穿着破衣,in research探索, in return作为报答,in ruins一片废墟,in short总之,in theory从理论上看, in trouble有麻烦, in tears眼泪汪汪,in time及时, in turn按顺序, in vain白白地,in view看得见。




       a)动词+ from

       come from来自,date from追溯, depart from违背, die from死于, escape from逃出,fall from自…跌落, hang from垂挂, hear from收到来信,learn from向某人学习, return from自某地返回,rise from自…冒出, result from起因于, suffer from忍受。

       b)动词+ sth./sb. +from + sth./ sb. /a place

       borrow from向…借, choose from选自, excuse from免除, keep from阻止做,prevent from不准做, protect from不受…之害, receive from收到,remove from移动;除去, save from保全;拯救, separate from分离开来,stop from阻止。

       2. be +形容词+ from

       be absent from缺席,be different from与众不同, be far from更不用说, be hidden from躲避,be made from用…制成, be tired from因…而疲倦。


       from bad to worse每况愈下,from beginning to end自始至终,from cover to cover从头到尾,from China to Peru到处,from day to day一天一天地,from door to door挨家挨户,from end to end从头至尾,from first to last自始至终,from hand to mouth勉强糊家,from head to foot从头到脚,from mouth to mouth广泛流传,from sun to sun从日出到日落,from start to finish从头开始,from top to toe从头到脚,from time to time不时地,from top to bottom彻底地。




       account for解释;说明, answer for对…负责,apply for申请;请求,apologize for为…而道歉, beg for请求, call for要求,care for在意, enter for报名参加, fight for为…而战, hope for希望,inquire for查询;求见, leave for离开某地到另一地, look for寻找, long for盼望,mistake for误认为, plan for计划做某事, prepare for为…作准备,provide for为…提供, reach for伸手去拿, run for竞选, stand for象征,search for搜寻, send for派人去请, speak for陈述意见、愿望, take for当作, wish for希望, wait for等待。

       b)动词+sb.+ for +sth.

       ask for要求得到,blame for因…责备, excuse for宽恕, forgive for谅解, pardon for原谅,pay for花钱买, praise for称赞, punish for对…进行惩罚,push for催逼,reward for酬谢, thank for对…表示谢意。

       2. be +形容词+for

       be anxious for急于做, be eager for渴望, be bad for有害于,be convenient for便于, be good for利于, be famous for以…出名,be fit for适合于, be grateful for对…心存感激, be impatient for对…不耐烦,be late for迟到, be necessary for有必要, be ready for作好准备,be sorry for为…而后悔, be responsible for对…负责,be suitable for适合于, be unfit for不适合, be useful for对…有作用。


       for all尽管,for a song非常便宜地,for certain确切地,for company陪着,for ever永远,for example例如,for fear以免,for fair肯定地,for free免费,for fun为了好玩,for good永远,for instance比方,for luck祝福,for life终身,for long长久,for nothing白白地,for once有生第一次,for oneself替自己,for pleasure为了消遣,for reason因为…理由,for sale供出售,for shame真不害臊,for short简称,for sport好玩,for sure确切地。


       be in for将遇到,make up for弥补,go in for从事,look out for提防,take sth. for granted把…当作理所当然,have an ear for音感好,have a gift for有某方面的天赋。

        大学英语精读第二册第三课Lesson from Jefferson

        导语:大学英语精读选材力求题材、体裁多样,内容丰富有趣并有定的启发性。下面我讲解大学英语精读第二册第三课Lesson from Jefferson,欢迎学习!



        Jefferson died long ago, but may of his ideas still of great interest to us.

        Lessons from Jefferson

        Thomas Jefferson, the third President of the United States, may be less famous than George Washington and Abraham Lincoln, but most people remember at last one fact about him: he wrote the Declaration of Independence.

        Although Jefferson lived more than 200 years ago, there is much that we learn from him today. Many of his ideas are especially interesting to modern youth. Here are some of the things he said and wrote:

        Go and see. Jefferson believed that a free man obtains knowledge from many sources besides books and that personal investigation is important. When still a young man, he was appointed to a committee to find out whether the South Branch of the James River was deep enough to be used by large boats. While the other members of the committee sat in the state capitol and studied papers on the subject, Jefferson got into a canoe and made on-the-spot-observations.

        You can learn from everyone. By birth and by education Jefferson belonged to the highest social class. Yet, in a day when few noble persons ever spoke to those of humble origins except to give an order, Jefferson went out of his way to talk with gardeners, servants, and waiters. Jefferson once said to the French nobleman, Lafayette, "You must go into the people's homes as I have done, look into their cooking pots and eat their bread. If you will only do this, you may find out why people are dissatisfied and understand the revolution that is threatening France."

        Judge for yourself. Jefferson refused to accept other people's opinions without careful thought. "Neither believe nor reject anything," he wrote to his nephew, "because any other person has rejected or believed it. Heaved has given you a mind for judging truth and error. Use it."

        Jefferson felt that the people "may safely be trusted to hear everything true and false, and to form a correct judgment. Were it left to me to decide whether we should have a government without newspapers or newspapers without a government, I should not hesitate a moment to prefer the latter."

        Do what you believe is right. In a free country there will always be conflicting ideas, and this is a source of strength. It is conflict and not unquestioning agreement that keeps freedom alive. Though Jefferson was for many years the object of strong criticism, he never answered his critics. He expressed his philosophy in letters to a friend, "There are two sides to every question. If you take one side with decision and on it with effect, those who take the other side will of course resent your actions."

        Trust the future; trust the young. Jefferson felt that the present should never be chained to customs which have lost their usefulness. "No society," he said, "can make a perpetual constitution, or even a perpetual law. The earth belongs to the living generation." He did not fear new ideas, nor did he fear the future. "How much pain," he remarked, "has been caused by evils which have never happened! I expect the best, not the worst. I steer my ship with hope, leaving fear behind."

        Jefferson's courage and idealism were based on knowledge. He probably knew more than any other man of his age. He was an expert in agriculture, archeology, and medicine. He practiced crop rotation and soil conservation a century before these became standard practice, and he invented a plow superior to any other in existence. He influenced architecture throughout America, and he was constantly producing devices for making the tasks of ordinary life easier to perform.

        Of all Jefferson's many talents, one is central. He was above all a good and tireless writer. His complete works, now being published for the first time, will fill more than fifty volumes. His talent as an author was soon discovered, and when the time came to write the Declaration of Independence at Philadelphia in 1776, the task of writing it was his. Millions have thrilled to his words: "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal?"

        When Jefferson died on July 4, 1826, the 50th anniversary of American independence, he left his countrymen a rich legacy of ideas and examples. American education owes a great debt to Thomas Jefferson, Who believed that only a nation of educated people could remain free.



        n. document containing an open public announcement 宣言


        n. freedom from the control of others 独立


        vt. get through effort 获得


        n. place from which sth. comes; place where a river starts (来)源;源头


        a. done in person; belonging to a person 亲自的;个人的


        n. detailed or careful examination 调查




        vt. put (sb.) in a position 任命




        n. a group of people chosen for special duties 委员会


        n. (美国)州议会大厦


        n. light boat moved by a paddle 独木舟


        a. at the place of the action 现场的


        a. low in position 地位低下的


        n. parentage; birth; beginning 血统;出身;起源


        n. person who works in a garden either for pay or as a hobby 园丁


        n. person who serves food to the tables in a restaurant (男)侍者


        n. 贵族


        vt. hang over dangerously; utter a threat against 使不满


        vt. hang over dangerously; utter a threat against 威胁




        vt. refuse to take, believe, use of consider 拒绝




        n. the son of one's brother or sister


        n. mistake; sth. done wrongly


        a. not true or correct


        n. opinion 判断, 看法


        vi. feel doubtful; be undecided 犹豫,迟疑不决




        vt. like better; choose (one thing) rather than (another) 更喜欢;宁愿




        a. nearer to the end 后面的;后半的

        n. the second of two persons or things just spoken of 后者


        n. be opposed; clash 冲突

        n. disagreement; clash; fight


        a. given or done without question or doubt


        n. having the same opinion(s); thinking in the same way 同意;一致的`


        n. unfavourable remarks of judgments 批评


        n. person who makes judgments about the good and bad qualities of sth.; person who points out mistakes 评论家;批评者




        n. 哲学


        vt. feel angry or bitter at 对...忿恨;对...不满


        n. the process of doing things; sth. done 行动过程;行动


        n. 习惯,风俗


        a. never-ending; going on for a long time or without stopping 永恒的;连续不断的


        n. 宪法;章程


        a. alive now 活(着)的


        vt. say; comment 说;评论说

        n. 话语;评论


        n. sth. bad; sin 邪恶,罪恶

        a. very bad 邪恶的,坏的


        n. 理想主义;唯心主义


        n. study of ancient things, esp. remains of prehistoric times 考古学


        n. 轮作;旋转




        n. protecting from loss of from being used up 保护;保存




        a. good or better in quality or value 较好的;优的




        n. the state of existing 存在


        vt. have an effect on 影响


        n. art and science of building 建筑术;建筑学


        ad. continuously; frequently 不断地;经常地




        vt. do, carry out 做,履行


        n. special natural ability 才能,天资


        a. chief; main; most important 主要的


        a. never or rarely getting tired


        n. a person who writes esp. as a way of earning money 作家


        vt. have (a book, etc.) printed and put on sale 出版


        n. book, esp. one of a set of books 卷;册


        vi. have a very exciting feeling 非常激动


        a. clear without proof 不言而喻的


        vt. make (sth. that has not been made before) 创造




        n. the yearly return of a special date 周年纪念日


        n. a person from one's own country 周胞


        n. sth. that one person leaves to another when he dies 遗产


        vt. 欠(债等);应把...归功于


        n. something owed to someone else 债(务)


        vt. train; teach how to read, write, think, etc.


        go out of one's way (to do sth.)

        take particular trouble; make a special effort 特地


        leave sb. in charge of 交托,委托

        act on

        act according to 按照...行事

        leave behind

        abandon; fall to take or bring 丢弃;留下,忘带

        in existence

        existing 存在

        above all

        most important of all 首先,尤其是


        Bruce Bilven


        Thomas Jefferson


        George Washington


        Abraham Lincoln


        the Declaration of Independence


        the James River











       好了,今天关于“noble 发卷”的话题就到这里了。希望大家能够通过我的讲解对“noble 发卷”有更全面、深入的了解,并且能够在今后的生活中更好地运用所学知识。