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5.通印网用英语怎么说 通印网的英语翻译?



       Dear tourists(或者直接 Dear all), good morning! Are you satisfied with your breakfast? Did you sleep well last night? We are going to check out(酒店退房), so please check whether your luggage has already been on the coach(长途汽车). Do remember (切记) to check your passports and other documentation, too. Valuables shall be carried with yourselves only (贵重物品只能随身携带). If there's anything left, we still have time to get it. But if you don't remember until arrive at the railway station, that'll be a big problem then. If everything is ready, let's get going! (前面该说的都说了,最后一句就简洁明了吧,不然显得太啰嗦了)



       Notice for surfing the Internet:

       please show your passport and pay a 15 yuan deposit.

       You can't surf the Internet without a passport.


       1. Does your computer in any country to purchase the ?

       2. Does your hard disk data important ?

       3. Does your computer purchase invoices, warranty cards, passports and immigration have brought ?If there is no relevant information with them, we may not be able to find out whether your computer in the warranty period.

       4. Please wait, let me first test of what your computer failures.

       5. I (notebook) computer screen does not show boot and boot a short length of the alarm sound.

       6. Your computer may be in 3-7 days to repair good when we maintain good and comprehensive test no problem, we will immediately notify you call.


       根据美国国籍与移民法,绿卡持有者属于没有美国国籍,也不具美国公民身份的外国人。但其在美国境内基本享有和本国国民一样的待遇,不过没有选举权和被选举 权。绿卡不等于国籍,只是拥有永久居住权而已。所以说从美国回印度,他拿着他的印度护照,是意味着他回国。拿着绿卡,也只能代表他是印侨,而不是印裔美国人。





       According to the United States citizenship and immigration, green card holder belongs to no American citizenship, also do not have the citizenship of foreigners. But in the United States citizens enjoy and basic same treatment, but no right to vote and to be elected. Green is not equal to the nationality, just have permanent. So back from the us, India, he took his Indian passport, is meant to him. Take green, also can mean he is printed qiao, not print African-American.

       As America and many countries have visa abolition agreements, holding U.S. passports for travel to other countries will be more convenient,

       2 to American citizenship for parents, brothers and sisters for spouses and children and immigration,

       3 permanent residents can and U.S. citizens enjoy equal treatment, such as medical insurance, unemployment insurance and welfare subsidy, etc, but only for United States citizens have the right to vote of political rights.

       These rights are also give naturalized citizen brought the corresponding obligations. Naturalized citizenship applicants have to forswear for the country's all allegiance behavior, Support and defend the constitution and laws, Swear allegiance to USA. When need active service in the United States.

通印网用英语怎么说 通印网的英语翻译?





       prep. 除...之外

       conj. 除非;如果不

       v. 排除,除外






except for:多用于在说明基本情况或对主要部分加以肯定,还引出相反的原因或细节,从而部分地修正前面的主要意思,含惋惜意味。


       except for 除...之外

       except that 只是;除了


       1. Everyone is here except John.


       2. The park is open every day except Monday.


       3. I would go, except that I'm too tired.


       4. Except for a few mistakes, the paper was perfect.


       5. All the tasks were done, except cleaning the windows.



       1. "Except" 可以作为介词后接名词或代词,表示“除...之外”。例如:"I like all the colors except red."(我喜欢所有的颜色,除了红色。)

       2. "Except" 也可以作为连词,用于引导条件状语从句,表示“除非”,“如果”。例如:"I would have gone to the party, except that I had a lot of work."(如果不是因为有很多工作,我本来会去参加那个派对的。)

       3. "Except for"是常用的词组,意为“除了...之外”,后面通常接表示人或事物的名词或代词。例如:"Except for you, everyone else is here."(除了你,其他人都在这里。)

       4. "Except" 作为动词时,意为“排除”,“除外”,但这种用法相对较少。例如:"Please check the list and except any duplicates."(请检查名单并排除任何重复项。)

       5. "Except" 可以和 "all", "everyone", "everything" 等词搭配使用,表示“所有...都”,然后接除外的内容。例如:"Everyone knows except me."(除了我,大家都知道。)

       通印网的英语是”screen printed”,还网络中常译为”remittance network”,在《英语ABC实用语法词典》中,共找到66个与通印网相关的短语释义和例句。

       1. Water-based UV ink in Europe have long been used for screen printing and color large format posters of road signs.


       2. in the lithographic UCR main advantages is the rate you can reduce the dot gain, reducing wet to overprint.


       3. i watch beside the finger tracks, and that shows in what direction you’d going.

       译文:通过看这些脚印, 你就会知道这些猎物朝哪个方向去了.。

       4. it also prints passports for Venezuela, stamps for South Africa, and bank notes for Zaire.

       5. Milt: Snoutprints Are as unique as fingerprints.

       6. JugBangers. net and Cornhole Capers.

       7. – Where ‘the Seal of the King?

       8. i talk in Hindi, sir, Hindi!

       9. – The what? – The Arc Net.

       10. “or on his forehead so that no one shall be able to buy or sell…

       11. Put the iron on all of them, Teeler.

