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good time_good time 舞蹈 完整版

佚名 2024-05-24 人已围观


good time_good time 舞蹈 完整版

       下面将有我来为大家聊一聊good time的问题,希望这个问题可以为您解答您的疑问,关于good time的问题我们就开始来说说。

1.Brent Jones And The T.P. Mobb的《Goodtime》 歌词

2.Beyond的《Goodtime》 歌词


4.goodtime 的中文歌词


good time_good time 舞蹈 完整版

Brent Jones And The T.P. Mobb的《Goodtime》 歌词



       歌曲:Good Time

       歌手:Jessica Andrews

       Guess it’s written on my face

       God, I get so sick of this place

       I gotta get up, get out, and get a life

       The days run, long, the nights too short

       Not much time for me no more

       And Im well over due

       So now Im going to

       Let my hair down and bleach it blonde

       Turn the ringer off and the engine on

       Cause I cant wait to get to the good times

       Yeah just one stop at the ATM

       Grab a hundred bucks and a real good friend

       Pack it up, and take a load off my mind

       Cause I cant wait to get to the good times


       Me and my baby get along

       Got a lot of love, got it goin on

       I wouldnt let go no for anything

       Somethin bout how the highway feels

       When you drive along on your freedom wheels

       You know any destination will kill the frustration

       Let my hair down and bleach it blonde

       Turn the ringer off and the engine on

       Cause I cant wait to get to the good times

       Yeah just one stop at the ATM

       Grab a hundred bucks and a real good friend

       Pack it up, and take a load off my mind

       Cause I cant wait to get to the good times

       Just for the weekend

       Lets jump off the deep end

       Im goin to

       Let my hair down and bleach it blonde

       Turn the ringer off and the engine on

       Cause I cant wait to get to the good times

       Yeah just one stop at the ATM

       Grab a hundred bucks and a real good friend

       Pack it up, and take a load off my mind

       Cause I cant wait to get to the good times

       Turn the ringer off and the engine on

       Cause I cant wait to get to the good times

       Yeah just one stop at the ATM

       Grab a hundred bucks and a real good friend

       Pack it up, and take a load off my mind

       Cause I cant wait to get to the good times

       oh~Cause I cant wait to get to the good times

       oh~Cause I cant wait to get to the good times

       Cause I cant wait to get to the good times


       Cause I cant wait to get to the good times Oh~

       歌曲:there's more to me than you

       歌手:Jessica Andrews

       I spent years and all this time

       thinking I was better off cuz you were mine

       You always said it was your way or the highway

       So I'm shiftin my life into drive

       I'm getting out kissing the past good-bye

       Like Toby said, How do you like me now?

       This conversation has run dry

       And I keep telling myself

       ooooooo, ooooooo, ooooooo

       There's more to me than you

       ooooooo, ooooooo

       Don't underestimate what I can do

       Well I'm alright, it's okay

       I know I'll make it through

       Cuz there's more to me than you

       I'm not saying I'm battered and bruised

       but I might as well be with the words you used

       I believe in myself, that makes me stronger

       Things changed and so have I

       I'm gonna make hay while the sun still shines

       You can clip my wings, but I'm still gonna fly

       I'm on my own and on my way

       And I keep telling myself

       ooooooo, ooooooo, ooooooo

       There's more to me than you

       ooooooo, ooooooo

       Don't underestimate what I can do

       Well I'm alright, it's okay

       I know I'll make it through

       Cuz there's more to me than you

       There was always something that meant more to you than me

       And I'm just sorry it's taking this for you to see

       ooooooo, ooooooo, ooooooo

       There's more to me than you

       ooooooo, ooooooo

       Don't underestimate what I can do

       Well I'm alright, it's okay

       I know I'll make it through

       Cuz there's more to me than you

       Cuz there's more to me than you

       ooooooooo, ooooooo, oooooo

       There's more to me than you

       ooooooooo, ooooooo, oooooo

       ooooooooo, ooooooo, oooooo


Beyond的《Goodtime》 歌词



       Good Time



       通宵的喧哗 很吸引吧你不想归家


       乌哩马叉你跟他响旺角 兜到出沙头角






       You Have A Good Time

       Good Time Good Time

       You Have A Good Time

       Good Time Good Time

       周身都穿窿 一感到痛你一味识凶




       You Have A Good Time

       Good Time Good Time

       You Have A Good Time

       Good Time Good Time


       You Have A Good Time

       Good Time Good Time

       You Have A Good Time

       Good Time Good Time




goodtime 的中文歌词




       1. 先从右脚开始,右脚向前踢,左脚跟着踢,右脚再向后踢,左脚跟着踢,右脚再向前踢,左脚跟着踢,右脚再向后踢,左脚跟着踢,右脚再向前踢,左脚跟着踢,右脚再向后踢,左脚跟着踢,右脚再向前踢,左脚跟着踢,右脚再向后踢,左脚跟着踢,右脚再向前踢,左脚跟着踢,右脚再向后踢,左脚跟着踢,右脚再向前踢,左脚跟着踢,右脚再向后踢,左脚跟着踢,右脚再向前踢,左脚跟着踢,右脚再向后踢,左脚跟着踢,右脚再向前踢,左脚跟着踢,右脚再向后踢,左脚跟着踢,右脚再向前踢,左脚跟着踢,右脚再向后踢,左脚跟着踢,右脚再向前踢,左脚跟着踢,右脚再向后踢,左脚跟着踢,右脚再向前踢,左脚跟着踢,右脚再向后踢,左脚跟着踢,右脚再向前踢,左脚跟着踢,右脚再向后踢,左脚跟着踢,右



       Woah-oh-oh-ohIt's always a good time 哦哦哦总是好时光

       Woah-oh-oh-ohIt's always a good time

       Woke up on the right side of the bed 一觉醒来在床的正确的一侧

       What's up with this Prince song inside my head? 我脑海中这首王子的歌除了什么问题

       Hands up if you're down to get down tonight 若你今晚因为堕入低谷而情绪低落,请举起手

       Cuz it's always a good time. 因为每一刻都是好时光

       Slept in all my clothes like I didn't care 和衣而眠仿佛我根本不在乎

       Hopped into a cab, take me anywhere 跳进一辆出租车,随便带我去哪儿

       I'm in 我在里面这句不知什么意思

       if you're down to get down tonight

       Cuz it's always a good time

       Good morning and good night 早上好,晚上好

       I wake up at twilight 我在暮色里醒来

       It's gonna be alright 一切都会好的

       We don't even have to try 我们甚至无须尝试

       It's always a good time 每一刻都是好时光

       Feet down dropped my phone in the pool again 脚下躺着我的手机,它又掉进了泳池

       Checked out of my room hit the ATM 退房出去撞在ATM机上

       Let's hang out if you're down to get down tonight 让我们出去逛逛吧如果你有不顺心的事





       好了,关于“good time”的话题就讲到这里了。希望大家能够对“good time”有更深入的了解,并且从我的回答中得到一些启示。