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mobilize resources

佚名 2024-06-01 人已围观


mobilize resources

       接下来,我将会为大家提供一些有关mobilize resources的知识和见解,希望我的回答能够让大家对此有更深入的了解。下面,我们开始探讨一下mobilize resources的话题。


mobilize resources



       搭配词:troops/support/supporters/public opinion/resources/troops/country。


       1、It means that their whole army will mobilize。这意味着他们整个国家的军队都要动员起来。

       2、India is now in a better position to mobilize its forces。印度现在更有条件动员军队了。

       3、He helped energize and mobilize millions of people around the nation。他帮助激励和动员了全国数百万人。

       4、They had failed to mobilize trade union support。他们没能动员工会给予支持。

       5、Sudan even threatened to mobilize in response to the ultimatums。作为对最后通牒的回应,苏丹甚至威胁要动员军队。

       Qiao system of teaching aids, teaching aids

       Rural secondary schools, the use of the existing conditions, the production of creative teaching aids, teaching English in the clever use of teaching aids, teaching would get a multiplier effect, so that students more conscious, more interested in participation in social activities in the classroom.

       a. Self-made word cards, teaching aids. In the secondary school English teaching materials are there appears a certain number of words, the classroom, teachers use good words card system in advance, not only the consolidation of new words and can save time, so that teaching to achieve real convenient, fast and efficient. Sometimes through the change in the form of training, students can also regulate mood, active classroom atmosphere. If the card can cover the first part of the new words or parts to enable students to guess what it is; can also be a "quick look fast", "soon to hear soon", "possession of possession, look, talk," or "the United Kingdom Han said that the reverse "games(Card system, a positive write in English, Chinese writing negative meaning that if the teachers to show students in English, let the students said that the Chinese meaning the other hand, the opposite is true).

       b. Self-made wall charts, to stimulate interest. Sometimes based on the needs of the teaching, teaching materials based on content, making wall charts, to stimulate interest in students so that the visual content of teaching materials. In practice, such as big, strong, tall, slim, short description and so on, we can find a number of students interested in understanding and star of some of the posters or in film and television roles, so that students learned the words to describe them.

       c. The use of in-kind, full of teaching. In fact, teachers, students and classroom furnishings are all the resources to the classroom itself is a living resource, teachers should make full use of the language environment in which students have more opportunity to participate in the language of practical activities. Such as: when to teach Starter Unit7 Colors, teachers and students have come up with their own clothes as teaching aids so that we can discuss and say, so that students no longer feel they are very far away from the English, which is very real, very life of , The effect has been quite good.

       2). Jianbi Hua use, and beautifying teaching

       Jian Bihua can be used in all aspects of teaching, which is characterized by simple, fast and vivid and expressive words and phrases. Teachers with a few pens, simple lines, will be able to draw to teaching, so as to minimize the cost of education (a pen, a blackboard), better teaching results, and can save valuable teaching time. Bian Jiangbian teachers in the classroom painting, things show changes in the vivid visual, to be able to attract good students, this is the picture, such as in-kind can not be substituted by the media. If we learn Starter Unit3 of Listening when the boy and girl,I am on the blackboard to draw a smiley face with the braids and asked Is this a boy? Students from the map so quickly to judge and answered No. She is a girl.

        Practice has proved that teaching Jian Bihua can create a pleasant environment for language , And the classroom so that instead of living in chaos and orderly change, in line with the psychological characteristics of young people, so teachers should be teaching the proper use of such means.

       4). The use of body language, optimize teaching

       The United States through the experiments psychologists conclude that: the effect of information = 7% of the tone of the text +38% +55% of the facial expressions and movements. Can see that body language is an important supplement to the sound of language. In the process of teaching, teachers should focus on the characteristics of the student's age and psychological characteristics, take the image of a lively, new, interesting ways to mobilize the full range of senses, the use of body language teaching. In the words of teaching, the use of body language and optimize teaching. Education and words can be taught while doing action words. Such as teaching to the cold, I will do humpback Han Xiong, Guo Jin clothes, shivering like Sese;Another example is when I will teach hot Douzhao first-hand clothes, hand-made Shanshan Zi, these are the use of body language and memory to help students understand the practical example of a word.

       In teaching, body language can always run through teaching, whether it is to teach words, phrases or sentences, we can move to optimize the use of physical education. In addition, the use of the classroom in terms of dialogue or communication, body language, you can play hard and easy.


       好了,今天关于“mobilize resources”的话题就讲到这里了。希望大家能够通过我的介绍对“mobilize resources”有更全面、深入的认识,并且能够在今后的实践中更好地运用所学知识。