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magna carta英文简介

ysladmin 2024-08-01 人已围观

简介magna carta英文简介       感谢大家提供这个magna carta英文简介问题集合,让我有机会和大家交流和分享。我将根据自己的理解和学习,为每个问题提供清晰

magna carta英文简介

       感谢大家提供这个magna carta英文简介问题集合,让我有机会和大家交流和分享。我将根据自己的理解和学习,为每个问题提供清晰而有条理的回答。

1.求---真名法典:真红的圣痕(Magna Carta: Tears of Blood)---的详细资料

2.Fly Again 火曜飞的罗马音与中文意思

3.Please explain “Magna Carta” in English.

4.为什么说等级君主制度是从12世纪开始的 就连最早的英国都是1256年英国议会才开始确立的?

5.Magna Carta的《Roll On》 歌词


magna carta英文简介

求---真名法典:真红的圣痕(Magna Carta: Tears of Blood)---的详细资料

       本游戏由《西风狂诗曲》制作公司韩国Softmax所开发,由BANPRESTO重制发行,是2001 年12月所发行的PC RPG《真名法典 冰之魅影》的续篇作品。本次发行的PS2版除了承袭原作颇受好评的美术设定与游戏系统之外,并配合PS2的操作以及更强大的3D图形处理效能加以改良,亦加入了许多精美的3D CG动画影片。

       游戏的世界以“卦”为一切自然力量的泉源,共分为天、 泽 、火、 雷、 风、 水 、山、 地这八个属性(与中国的八卦相同),依照“真名(Carta)”的准则运行,而传说中存在有所谓的“Magna Carta”,只要达到“Magna Carta”的境界,就能掌控“卦”的运行准则,重新构筑一个新的世界,是足以扭转一整个种族兴衰存亡、至高无上的力量,是许多人毕生追求的目标,但至今尚无人能达到这个境界。





Fly Again 火曜飞的罗马音与中文意思

       分类: 教育/科学 >> 外语学习


        i wanna get some English introductiong about Magna Carta


        Magna Carta or Magna Charta [Lat.,=great charter], the most famous document of British constitutional history, issued by King John at Runnymede under pulsion from the barons and the church in June, 1215.

        The Reasons for Its Granting

        Charters of liberties had previously been granted by Henry I, Stephen, and Henry II, in attempts to placate opposition to a broad use of the king's power as feudal lord. John had incurred general hostility. His expensive wars abroad were unsuccessful, and to finance them he had charged excessively for royal justice, sold church offices, levied heavy aids, and abused the feudal incidents of wardship, marriage, and escheat. He had also appointed advisers from outside the baronial ranks. Finally in 1215 the barons rose in rebellion. Faced by superior force, the king entered into parleys with the barons at Runnymede. On June 15, after some attempts at evasion, John set his seal to the preliminary draft of demands presented by the barons, and after several days of debate a promise was reached (June 19). The resulting document was put forth in the form of a charter freely granted by the king—although in actuality its guarantees were extorted by the barons from John. There are four extant copies of the original charter.

       The Original Charter

        The original charter, in Latin, is a relatively brief and somewhat vague document of some 63 clauses, many of which were of only transient significance. The charter was in most respects a reactionary document; its purpose was to insure feudal rights and dues and to guarantee that the king would not encroach upon baronial privileges. There were provisions guaranteeing the freedom of the church and the customs of the towns, special privileges being conferred upon London.

        The charter definitely implies that there are laws protecting the rights of subjects and munities that the king is bound to observe or, if he fails to do so, will be pelled to observe. Historically most important were the vaguely worded statements against oppression of all subjects, which later generations interpreted as guarantees of trial by jury and of habeas corpus. Such interpretations, however, were the work of later scholars and are not explicit in the charter itself. The fact that many of the early interpretations of its provisions were based upon bad historical scholarship or false reasoning, however, does not vitiate the importance of the Magna Carta in the development of the British constitution.

        Revisions and Reinterpretations

        As an actual instrument of the charter was, at first, a failure. The clumsy machinery set up to prevent the king's violation of the charter never had an opportunity to function, and civil war broke out the same year. On John's death in 1216, the charter was reissued in the name of young King Henry III, but with a number of significant omissions relative to safeguards of national liberties and restrictions on taxation. It was reissued with further changes in 1217 and again in 1225, the latter reissue being the one that was incorporated into British statute law.

        In later centuries it became a symbol of the supremacy of the constitution over the king, as opponents of arbitrary royal power extracted from it various “democratic” interpretations. This movement reached its height in the 17th cent. in the work of such apologists for Parliament as Sir Edward Coke. It came to be thought that the charter forbade taxation without representation, that it guaranteed trial by jury, even that it invested the House of Commons (nonexistent in 1215) with great powers. These ideas persisted until the 19th cent., when certain scholars came to maintain that the Magna Carta was a pletely reactionary, not a progressive, document—that it was merely a guarantee of feudal rights. It is generally recognized now, however, that the charter definitely did show the viability of opposition to excessive use of royal power and that this constitutes its chief significance.


        See W. S. McKechnie, Magna Carta: A Commentary (2d ed. 1914, repr. 1960); H. E. Malden, ed., Magna Carta Commemoration Essays (1917); F. Thompson, The First Century of Magna Carta (1925, repr. 1967); M. Ashley, Magna Carta in the Seventeenth Century (1965); J. C. Holt, Magna Carta (1965, repr. 1969); A. Pallister, Magna Carta (1971); J. C. Holt, Magna Carta and the Idea of Liberty (1972) and Magna Carta and Medieval Government (1985).

Please explain “Magna Carta” in English.

       Fly Again


       [MagnaCarta] OP

       もう すべて失くしてしまった

       mou subete naku shiteshimatta



       kono koe mo nido to todoka nai


       うつむいた 心は荒野を

       utsumuita kokoroha kouya wo

       垂头丧气 心已成荒野


       tadaatemonaku houkou tterudake


       Stand alone


       demo me wo toji reba yomigaeru



       ano nichi kun to majiwa shita yakusoku


       I can fly again


       hate shinai sora ni


       今日も 変わらずに光る

       kyou mo kawa razuni hikaru



       ano seiza ni nando mo chikau yo


       You're so far away


       tatoe tooku temo


       いつか 君と见上げてた

       itsuka kun to miage teta



       mirai dakewoima shinji teitaikara



       kizutsu ita kun nosobaniite



       hitotsudemo nanika dekitakana


       どこまでも つづく暗暗に

       dokomademo tsuduku kurayami ni

       不论到哪里 黑暗在延续


       mata namida afureteshimaukeredo




       kasukani nokoru honoo ni ima


       冻えそうなこの手を かざそう

       kogoe sounakono te wo kazasou


       I can fly again





       kun gakuretahohoemiga


       胸の奥で 愿いに変わるよ

       mune no oku de negai ni kawa ruyo


       You're so far away

       もう 会えなくても

       mou ae nakutemo



       futari yume miteta basho he


       いつの日かきっと たどりつける ように

       itsuno nichi kakitto tadoritsukeru youni


       いまひとり 両手を重ねて

       imahitori ryoute wo omone te

       现在一个人 沉重的双手


       hidoku yogore teshimatta


       この世界に祈りを ささげよう

       kono sekai ni inori wo sasageyou


       手をつなぎ 駆け抜けた日々は

       te wotsunagi kake nuke ta hibi ha

       牵着彼此的手 度过那每一天


       donna arashi no naka demo



       yuuki ninaru koto wasure naideite


为什么说等级君主制度是从12世纪开始的 就连最早的英国都是1256年英国议会才开始确立的?

       Magna Carta, also called Magna Carta Libertatum (the Great Charter of Freedoms), is an English legal charter, originally issued in the year 1215. It was written in Latin and is known by its Latin name. The usual English translation of Magna Carta is Great Charter.

Magna Carta的《Roll On》 歌词




       1215年英国贵族胁迫约翰国王在兰尼米德草原签署的文件‘自由大宪章’(Magna Carta),维护贵族和教士的权利,对王权进行限制。







       歌曲名:Roll On

       歌手:Magna Carta

       专辑:Lord Of The Ages + Martin'S Cafe

       Kid Rock - Roll On

       Sittin here alone

       I'm lookin back on where I've roamed

       And laughin, oh how I swore

       I'd win and not get burned.

       Left my family, left my home

       I worked my fingers to the bone

       And there was not a stone

       I did not leave unturned.

       And I was having a good time

       Oh, Roll On, roll on, roller coaster

       We're one day older

       and one step closer.

       Roll on, there's mountains to climb

       Roll on, were on borrowed time.

       So roll on, roll on rollercoaster,

       Roll on tonight

       Roll on tonight

       Money and success

       I don't complain about the stress

       I wanted this and now its here

       So I don't bitch.

       And I swear that time's a trick

       It disappears oh so quick

       Man I was just 16,

       Now I'm staring at 36.

       But I'm still having a good time! (Good time!)

       Oh, Roll On, roll on, roller coaster

       We're one day older

       and one step closer.

       Roll on, there's mountains to climb

       Roll on, were on borrowed time.

       So roll on, roll on rollercoaster,

       Roll on tonight

       Roll on tonight

       And I know it's hard to see with the sun in your eyes

       But one day you're gonna say I saw the light

       And now headin' for the hill

       And I just cannot wait until

       My children grow up to have children of their own

       And I'll be telling them about

       The times I turned the party out

       And how I stood against an army all alone

       Drinkin' wine and stayin' high

       And realized it couldn't last

       And how I turned myself around

       And went down another path

       And the signs we must observe

       When life's changes do occur

       But most of all I'll tell them

       Just how proud I am of them

       And always have a good time

       It's all love and good times

       Let's all have a good time Yeah

       Roll on Roll on Roller Coaster

       We're one day older and one step closer

       Roll on there's mountains to climb

       Roll on we're on borrowed time

       Roll on Roller coaster

       Roll on tonight

       Roll on tonight

       Roll on tonight




       Norman Conquest

       The conquest of England by the Normans under William the Conqueror beginning in 1066.



       Magna Carta


       The charter of English political and civil liberties granted by King John at Runnymede in June 1215.


       (2). A document or piece of legislation that serves as a guarantee of basic rights.



       Pilgrim Fathers


       Pilgrim One of the English Separatists who founded the colony of Plymouth in New England in 1620.

       Pilgrim 清教徒前辈移民:1620年,在新英格兰建立普利茅斯殖民地的英国主张脱离国教者


       the Great Depression


       The Great Depression was the worst economic slump ever in U.S. history, and one which spread to virtually all of the industrialized world. The depression began in late 1929 and lasted for about a decade.

       大宪章英文是Magna Carta。


       Magna Carta大宪章;保障人民权利与自由的法令

       Great Charter大宪章(等于Magna Charta)



       Magna Carta?was regarded as a creedal document for aristocracies resisting monarchy.



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