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ysladmin 2024-07-09 人已围观

简介viral怎么读_viral怎么读英语       接下来,我将针对viral怎么读的问题给出一些建议和解答,希望对大家有所帮助。现在,我们就来探讨一下viral怎么读的话题。1.初中二年级英语故事阅读?2.goinfor的解释是什么3.d e s y





3.d e s y m i n a中文怎么读





       Flower Power

       Ted Nugent was in love. Unfortunately, he wasn’t in love with his wife. He was in love with his girlfriend. He had met Lauren at a car show. She was one of the pretty models who gave sales pitches extolling the wonders of the new cars. To impress her, Ted promised that he would buy a new Mercedes if she would go out with him. She said yes, and one thing led to another.

       Ted’s wife, Stephanie, wondered why Ted bought the new car, since he had just bought a new Cadillac two years ago. Because Stephanie liked the Cadillac so much, Ted said, it was now hers. He had bought the Mercedes for himself. Ted started staying late “at the office.” He told Stephanie that he had to work extra hours to help pay for the Mercedes. She didn’t mind—she was enjoying her Cadillac.

       When Lauren’s birthday rolled around, Ted called up 1-800-Blossom and sent her three dozen roses. To ensure that the transaction would be private, he put it on his business creditcard. Even though Ted had to give his home phone and address, the Blossom representative promised that no paperwork would go to Ted's home.

       A week later, Stephanie greeted the mailman at the mailbox. He handed her the mail, including an envelope marked “Thank You, 1-800-Blossom.” Stephanie was curious. It wasn’t her birthday, or Valentine’s Day, or their anniversary. Why on earth had Ted ordered flowers? Opening the envelope, she hoped she wasn’t going to ruin a surprise from her hu *** and. The enclosed letter thanked Ted for his order of three dozen roses. The letter even included the note that went with the flowers: “My darling Lauren: These roses aren’t half as pretty as you are.” The letter offered a 10-percent discount on Ted’s next order.

       When Ted got home late that night, he found an angry note on the door explaining why all the locks had been changed. Four weeks later, Ted sued 1-800-Blossom for ruining his marriage.



       Influenza, or the flu, attacks up to one billion people annually. In the US, it kills 20,000 annually, most of whom are children or elderly. Occasionally the flu bees pandemic: in 1918, it killed 20 million people worldwide. The flu is a very contagious viral infection spread through the air by coughing, sneezing, or simply talking. It is not caused by getting caught in a rainstorm or by sleeping with the fan or air-conditioning on.

       The incubation period is about three days. It doesn’t sneak up on you, like a cold does. All of a sudden, you feel weak, you have a high fever, you have chills, you cough frequently and forcefully, your throat is sore, and your body aches.

       For most *** s, the treatment is to simply wait it out: stay home, get lots of bed rest, drink lots of fluids, and take over-the-counter medications such as aspirin, pain-killers, and nasal decongestants. Symptoms usually go away within two weeks. For the elderly and young, the initial viral infection may bee a bacterial infection with deadly consequences, because the victim bees too weak to battle the disease. The death rate for the general population is about one in 1,000. Those most susceptible to severe effects of the flu are people over 65 and people withchronic heart or lung problems, such as asthma.

       Flu season in the US is usually December to March. The best prevention, of course, is to stay away from infected people. Since that is almost impossible, the next best preventive strategy is to get an annual flu shot. This vaccine reduces the number of people who get infected—and who die—yearly.


       Coli Is Everywhere

       e all have Escherichia coli bacteria in our intestines. These are the good strains of the bacteria. They help us digest our food. There are billions of these bacteria in our intestines and in our feces. Of the hundreds of strains of good E. coli, there are only a few strains that are bad for us. These strains usually cause stomach problems and diarrhea.

       The worst of these strains is labeled E. coli 0157. This strain is mon in healthy cows, sheep, and goats. But when it gets into humans, it causes illness. This strain can kill humans, but only rarely. It kills our red blood cells and causes our kidneys to stop functioning. Hospitalization andtransfusions are necessary to prevent death.

       Most people just get mildly sick from E. coli 0157. There are usually just two symptoms: stomachcramps and diarrhea ***non-bloody or bloody***. These symptoms may last up to two weeks. The very young and the very old are most susceptible to severe symptoms. In the US, more than 100,000 people get infected annually. People who live in countries with contaminated water develop immunity to infection.

       The primary sources of infection are contaminated water, undercooked hamburger, unwashed fruits and vegetables, and unpasteurized milk or milk products. Swimming in or swallowing contaminated lake water can also result in infection. In the US, outbreaks involving hundreds of people have been traced to undercooked hamburgers at fast food restaurants, to packaged vegetable products such as spinach, and even to petting zoos. One of the best preventive measures is to wash our hands often, and wash thoroughly after using the toilet.






       1、观看视频(Watch videos)。

       2、搜索视频(Search for videos)。

       3、订阅频道(Subscribe to channels)。

       4、点赞视频(Like a video)。

       5、分享视频(Share a video)。

       6、评论视频(Comment on a video)。

       7、创建播放列表(Create playlists)。

       8、推荐视频(Recommended videos)。

       9、热门视频(Trending videos)。



       1.Later, Mr Bennett was also filmed watching what appeared to be YouTube footage of a dog.随后,本内特似乎又在YouTube上看了一段有关狗的视频。

       2.It even allowed to me to add YouTube videos, images, and a Google search bar with a single click.它甚至可以让我们轻轻点击一下就可以添加Youtube视频,和谷歌搜索条。

       3.Riley did some heavy therapy on my private psychological issues, which was no doubt recorded and posted on YouTube by the bored baristas.Riley对我个人的心理问题进行了某种猛烈的疗法---毫无疑问肯定又被那些无聊之至的咖啡店服务员所给录下传到Youtube上了。

       4.YouTube officially launched its live streaming platform only in April, and it has so far only been available to a few hand-picked partners.YouTube官方说明,直播平台四月才搭建,目前只有部分优秀的合作伙伴可以进入平台。

       5.He said the two most attractive assets available to increase web traffic were Facebook and YouTube.他表示,在增加网站访问量方面,两项最吸引人的资产就是Facebook和YouTube。

       6.quick scan of YouTube's terms of service reveals that the company sees most of its videos as intended solely for online streaming.浏览YouTube的服务条款就会发现,该公司认为其绝大多数视频只用于在线播放。

       7.This is the part of the meeting that, as he warns questioners, tends to go viral on YouTube.正是聚会的这部分,就像他提醒提问者的,渐渐在YouTube上火了。

d e s y m i n a中文怎么读













































































       The expression of connexin 43 and desmin in viral myocarditis

