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concept matrix

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concept matrix

       随着科技的发展,concept matrix的今日更新也在不断地推陈出新。今天,我将为大家详细介绍它的今日更新,让我们一起了解它的最新技术。


concept matrix


       Matrix (Matrix) was intended to the uterus, the control center of the mother, birth place of life. In mathematics, a matrix refers to the vertical and horizontal alignment of the two-dimensional data tables, the first equation from the coefficients and constants constitute a square. The concept of the 19th century by the British mathematician Kelly, the first place. Matrix concept in the production practice, there are many applications, such as the matrix method the matrix and the protection of personal account card system (made in Shenzhen Domain) and so on. "matrix " of intent are often applied, such as the monitoring system responsible for control of the front line of the video source and the analog switch control device, also called matrix.

       The full name of matrix switcher matrix, is used to switch the various input and output signals. The concept of matrix reference to the high number of linear algebra concepts, generally refers to the case of multiple input multiple output options the way to form a drawing of a matrix structure, both for each output with different input signals can be "short access "can only be connected to an output of each input, but one input can be (simultaneously) connected to different output. Output 1 = Input 1, Output 2 = Input 2, and the output 3 = 4 = input 3 output, or each output can be "independent" to be selected in the input, while output of other channels do not have to care about the situation, which can different from the other output can also be the same. For example, the 8-to-4 refers to four independent outputs, each output can be input in the choice of 8, or 4 separate 8 to 1, only 8 inputs are the same. This is often confused with the concept of distribution, such as 8 to 1 in 4, is selected in 8 out of an input output and its distribution into four identical outputs, although there are four outputs in appearance, But four output is the same, and not independent. Habits in general, will form the structure known as the M × N matrix, and the structure of the M × 1 switch or selector is called, in fact, but N = 1 only, we are in discussions as a matrix treatment. Matrix switcher features multiple inputs in the case, can be selected independently, multi-channel (including a road) signal output, complete the signal selection. In summary, the matrix is used to switch the various input and output signals of a professional product.

       The classification matrix switcher

        AV Matrix Switcher

        1. If the audio signal format (A), to select the audio matrix switcher. 2. If the video signal format (V), to select a video matrix switcher. 3. If it is mixed-signal audio and video formats (AV), to select the audio and video matrix switcher. 4. If a computer display signal format (VGA), on the choice of VGA or RGB matrix switcher matrix switcher. 5. If the signal is HD devices to select the DVI or HDMI matrix switcher. 6. If it is networked digital frequency signal, we must select the network video matrix switcher. .

        VGA Matrix Switcher

        Matrix is the analog control system equipment, is mainly responsible for front-line of video sources and control of switching control, for example, if you have 70 cameras, but only 7 monitor, then the matrix can cycle through your monitor 70 out of the camera screen polling function. VGA, AV, RGB, DVI, HDMI matrix switcher can be used for multi-channel AV, VGA input and output signals such as cross-switching, RGB RGBHV matrix component to provide independent input and output terminals, each separate component signal transmission, a separate switch, so that To minimize attenuation of signal transmission, high-fidelity image signal can be output. RGB Series matrix switcher with high performance processing core, No. bandwidth of 350MHz, with power on-site protection, LCD liquid crystal display, embedded intelligent control and management software, provides RS232 communication interface with PC, remote control systems Or a variety of remote control devices (such as Crestron, AMX, SVS and other control systems) for use. RGB Series matrix provides networking interfaces, allowing multiple RGB matrix used in tandem to expand the multi-port. Matrix switcher is mainly used in radio and TV broadcasts, multimedia conference room, large screen display works, television instruction, command and control centers and other occasions. RGB Matrix Switcher

        In short, the host matrix with the TV wall is mainly used to complete the screen switching function. However, the general matrix of common input (then the camera) is a multiple of 16, the output (connected monitor) is a multiple of 4; U.S. AD matrix is the originator of the video switch matrix, the industry's first video switch matrix to come from AD, so far , the market is basically analog video switch matrix circuit matrix reference AD design and architecture.

       The interface of different forms in different matrix switcher to the video signal, for example, common interface in the form of: D-15 type interface, BNC Interface, RCA (RCA) connector, DVI Interface, S-VIDEO Interface, RJ45 interface, and so on . In engineering applications, according to the switching signal transmission format and the actual need to select the specific device interface in the form. For example: computer video signal selection D-15-type interface; industrial and military video signal to select BNC interface; home entertainment and video equipment with civilian Lotus interface; computer with a DVI digital video interface; network digital video with RJ45 interfaces, HDMI with digital high-definition Special interface, and so on. Interface options must be accurate, as far as possible without conversion interface adapter head form, resulting in unnecessary signal loss and affect quality of the project

       At first, this article introduces the definition,partial basic concept and developing history of Ordinary Differentical Equations.Then, on the basic of concluding some commonly used ways in solving Ordinary Differentical Equations, it leads out the concept of System of Linera Differential Equations.Finally, it focuses the research on the answer of the Two-dimensional Variable Coefficient Inhomogeneous Linear Differential Equations, which Studies the special solution formula of the Variable Coefficient Inhomogeneous Linear Differential Equations, with the concept of matrix and the combination of Linear Algebra and Differential Equation. Besides, it gives the concrete equation and checks the expression that has been solved.

        Key words: Differential、Equations、Linear、 Special solutions


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